On the 2nd of December, 2023 an ARISTO Session was organized in the frame of the 10TH MIKROBIOKOSMOS Conference held in Larissa Greece (https://afea.eventsair.com/10th-conference-of-mikrobiokosmos/program). The coordinator introduced ARISTO and its fellows to the audience and gave an introductory talk on the effects of organic pollutants on the soil microbiota. Subsequently all ARISTO fellows present gave a presentation of their findings and discussed with the audience their results.
The Coordinator Prof. Karpouzas giving an overview of the ARISTO project
Eleftheria Bachtsevani presents on the development of in vitro testing system for assessing the toxicity of pesticides on ammonia oxidizing microorganisms
Marjan Roshanfekkrad presents on the development of in vitro testing system for assessing the toxicity of pesticides on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
Laura Mueller presents her work on the effects of pesticides on soil nitrifiers under climate change scenarios
Cara Meyer presents on the toxicity of pesticides on soil microbial networks
Marta Perez provided insights into the toxicity of pesticides on soil microbial communities across trophic levels
Camilla Drocco presented her work on the toxicity of pesticide mixtures on the soil microbiota
Kunyang Zhang presented his work on the development of a model for predicting the potential toxicity of pesticides and their transformation products on the soil microbiota using ammonia oxidizers as bioindicators